Historical Images In Lego

  • Historical Figures in Lego. 31 Captivating Historical Images A Fascinating Collection of Historical Photos 30/30 1 /30.
  • The History of Lego began in 1932 in a Danish carpentry workshop and continues into the 21st century as a popular and very profitable line of construction toys and related products and services, including Lego board games, retail stores, Lego video games, Lego films, Legoland theme parks, and Lego Serious Play consultant services, with a significant impact on various areas of popular culture.

kox.sk imitated famous pictures in Lego. Really cool, even with explanation where and when was the photo shot and a little bit history about the photos.

Famous historic scenes, romantic pictures, movie scenes, glorious moments in human history captured on pictures and now, recreated using legos. NASA moon landing, romantic scenes, war scenes, starwars scenes, mysterious photos, images of great triumph and horror, all can be reviewed by the magic of lego. Really creative and fun thing to do.

Like this world famous photo of some workers at lunch. Taken by Charles C. Ebbets during construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932. Here is the original:

More historic and famous photos are on kox.sk. Worth looking at!

Popularity: 15% [?]

Tags: Famous Photos, Historic Photos, History, Lego, Photos, Pictures
Historical Images In Lego

Historical Images In Lego Movie


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