Help Needed!teach To Be Happy

  1. News Opinion CLIVE SMITH: White poppies not needed to teach kids horrors of war Peace campaigners are encouraging children in schools across the country to wear white poppies ahead of Remembrance.
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Teaching children how to floss is an important, but often difficult task, especially considering that kids are pretty squirmy and have short attention spans. However, flossing is a critical part of a good oral hygiene routine. While brushing is the first line of defense against cavities, gum disease and other oral health issues, flossing is a very close second. Dental floss removes food and plaque that hide between teeth and along the gum line. Brushing alone won’t get rid of the pesky debris that causes decay. Read on for some easy – and maybe even fun – tips to help your kids establish good flossing habits.

Jesus told his disciples, “If you know Me, you know My Father, too.” This Advent season, follow the example of Jesus Christ. Use His teachings to help you lead a happy and fulfilled life. Miracles happen when ordinary people serve an extraordinary God.

Help Needed Teach To Be Happy Birthday

Help needed teach to be happy birthday
  • It’s never too early to each your kids how to floss. While most kids can begin flossing their own teeth when they are around seven or eight, you should start teaching them the process when they have two teeth that touch one another. And even after they are flossing on their own, some supervision, as well as gentle guidance may be needed.
  • Teach the proper flossing technique.
    • For traditional floss, break off about 18 inches of floss. Have your kiddo wrap most of it around one finger (usually the pointer) on the left or right hand. Then, have them wind the rest of the floss around one finger on the other hand – just make sure they don’t wrap it too tight! The finger with the most amount of floss will release between each tooth and the other will collect the used floss.
    • Have your child take the floss up one side of the tooth and down the other side, making sure to get along the gum line of both the top and bottom teeth.
    • Repeat this between each pair of teeth.
Help Needed!teach To Be Happy
  • Consider dental floss picks. Many children, and honestly, quite a few adults, prefer to use dental floss picks. While they are a bit easier to use than traditional dental floss, they aren’t quite as effective. For adults, it’s probably best to stick with regular floss, but picks are a good option for kids, especially those that have a hard time with traditional floss.
    • Dental floss picks are either Y-shaped or shaped like a harp. Simply run the floss up and down the teeth like you would with traditional floss. Rinse off the floss between teeth. Remember to switch the pick when the floss looks worn.
  • If flossing is a struggle for you and your kiddo, make it fun!
    • Put on some fun music, make silly faces in the mirror and floss together. Seeing you floss may just help them understand the importance of establishing good oral hygiene habits.
    • Use a reward system, such as sticker chart, to reinforce your kiddo for not fussing about flossing, as well as remembering to do it!
    • Let your kid choose the floss. Take your child to the store and have them pick out what color and flavor floss they would like to use. And remember that while chocolate floss may sound gross to you, to your kid, it may be a dream come true!
  • Don’t get hung up on whether your kiddo prefers to floss in the morning or at night or before or after they brush their teeth. At this time, dental experts don’t have conclusive evidence on when flossing should occur during your daily dental care routine. All that matters is that flossing is happening daily. So follow your kids lead and let them decide the time of day and the order!

Visit Us Today

Encourage your child to talk to their pediatric dentist about the importance of flossing at their six-month cleaning and check-up. Have them ask the dentist any questions they may have about the process. We’re always happy to help in the quest to establish good oral hygiene habits!You can schedule an appointment at one of our offices. Our staff look forward to serving you in a clean and safe environment! Book your appointment with us today at or call us at (619) 421-5437.

Being a woman is a hard, yet beautiful thing. Here are 5 lessons I think that all moms should pass on to their daughters.

One thing that I believe is 100% true is that people who know who they are better equipped to handle the curve balls life throws at us much better than people who lack a strong sense of self. People who know who they know what they like and what they dislike. They know their strengths and their weaknesses. They know what they want in life and what they are unwilling to tolerate. They know the type of people that bring out the best in them and the ones who they should avoid.

While this may seem like an abstract thing, there are some very concrete ways to do it. For example, you could sit them down with a pencil and paper and have them answer questions like:

What traits do you value in yourself and others?

What makes you feel happy?

Help needed teach to be happy birthday wishes

What are your biggest pet peeves?

What do you want to be known in your community for?

Another important lesson is to love yourself as you are – flaws and all. This isn’t to say that you can’t want to improve or grow. I believe that we should all strive to become better versions ourselves. However, we should all have a level of self-love that allows us to be confident that we are powerful, beautiful, full of potential, and worthy of respect. If you know and believe these things, there isn’t much that can break you down. A great way to help your daughter develop self-love is to have her write down all of her positive traits. You can help her get started by telling her all of the reasons you think she is an amazing human being. You can also take every opportunity available to remind her of her awesomeness.

As we navigate through life, it can be so easy to compromise who we are and what we want – especially where it concerns other people I know that I have made the mistake of doing things I didn’t really want to do in order to fit in, please others, or make a relationship work. It never ends well, though, does it? We need to teach our daughters that it’s ok to be different, to want different things, and that it I possible to find people who will accept us as we are. One way to teach them this is to promote tolerance and acceptance of others. If we are willing to accept others for who and how they are, it serves as the best example that others can accept US as we are. Remind your daughters at every opportunity that true happiness can be found when you stay true to who you are and what you want. It’s not always easy, but it is worth it. Let them know that if they ever struggle with this, you are there to help them.

I don’t know about you, but I know several women who struggle with this one. Many of us have a tendency to want to see the best in people – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Being able to see the good in people (and in situations) can be an admirable quality – but not if it means ignoring the negative things that can have a big impact on your life. That’s why I think it is important to teach our daughters how to be positive, but also be realistic. If someone reveals something about themselves that is not positive (whether through their words or their actions), teach your daughters to assume that that is how they really are (rather than trying to justify or explain their behavior). Then encourage them to behave accordingly. I think that this skill (I call it a skill because it doesn’t come naturally to everyone) could save people a lot of stress and time spent dealing with toxic people and situations.

Teach your daughters to always go for exactly what they want. It is so easy to settle for “good enough”. But if you look at your “good enough” and find yourself wanting more, there is absolutely nothing wrong with working towards something bigger and better. It doesn’t make you selfish, ungrateful, high maintenance, needy, greedy, self-entitled, bossy, difficult, demanding, a diva, full of yourself, or any of the other negative terms you get thrown around. It simply makes you someone who is committed to having a full life and that is not something to be ashamed of.

This is a big one and is one that women seem to forget as we get older (especially when we become moms and wives). Self-care is not something that you should only do when you have the spare time. It is something you should make time for on a regular basis. It includes things like exercise and eating healthy, but also includes doing things for emotional health, such as having a hobby, meditating, journaling, and having an active social life. Teach your daughters that engaging in self-care activities on a regular basis is not being selfish – it’s being healthy. Teach them while they are young so that they will not forget when they are older (because that is when we REALLY need it).


Help Needed Teach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes

I think it is also important to teach our daughters that we don’t have to be “Superwoman’. As women, we have a tendency to want to handle ‘all the things’. To be everything to everyone. To do everything on our own. Teach your daughters that it is ok to have items left unchecked on their daily to-do list and that it is 100% ok (and smart) to delegate. Trying to be Superwoman is more likely to end with stress than happiness.

So often, girls and women shrink into ourselves around others. We allow others to speak over us or to speak for us. We stay quiet on things that bother us because we don’t want to make a fuss. Teach your daughters to use their voices and to use them well. Speak up for yourself. Speak out against things that weigh on your spirit and mind. Be assertive, regardless of who you are speaking to. Never let someone intimidate you into being quiet when you have something to say.

I know that it can be scary to have this talk with our daughters, but it is an important one. Teach them that their bodies are theirs and that no one has the right to do with it anything that your daughter does not want them to do. Teach them that it is THEIR right to say yes or no and that they should never be made to feel ashamed or wrong for whatever that decision is. Also teach them to use their voice to speak up if someone violates their right to say no and who they should speak to about it (the appropriate authorities, you, a friend, etc).

Help Needed Teach To Be Happy Wishes

I know a lot of women who say that they only hang out with men because “men are less complicated”, “women are too complex”, or “women are too dramatic/catty”. Personally, I think that it is sad that so many of us feel this way. Although, I will admit that I have had relationships with other women that didn’t turn out so great, I feel like that applies just as much to relationships with men. I’ve also had high-quality, enriching relationships with other women that I value a great deal. These relationships have helped me to grow into a better person. They have provided me with countless hours of laughter and joy. These women have been there for me during the highs and the lows, providing me with listening ears, words of encouragement, and sometimes words of tough love that I really needed. Teach your daughters that friendships with other women can be deep, meaningful, and important.