Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas

According to a Google report, as of May 2017, the number of active Android users has exceeded two billion, and this only continues to grow. Android has surpassed iOS in major markets, particularly in the US, Europe, and Japan. However, Apple has established a foothold in the Chinese market.

While we have no way of knowing which operating system will dominate in the future, it is clear that the number of Android users is exceeding iOS users. This is why more and more designers are becoming engaged in Android development.

Mobile Devices Empower Students With Special Needs EducationWorld is pleased to present this article by Luis Perez, author of Mobile Learning for All: Supporting Accessibility with the iPad; Betsy Furler, a speech language pathologist; and Cristen Carson Reat, co-founder of Bridging Apps, a community of parents, therapists, teachers and doctors who share information on using mobile devices. IOS and Android. Edmodo Edmodo is a social media platform that facilitates communication between teachers and students. Users can hold discussions, submit assignments, and post messages to one another. Planning and grading features are also available. IOS and Android. Students should be using the commercial satellite imagery within Google Earth to locate a variety of world landmarks. It is great for Geography classes as it contains hands-on vivid imagery of the world and allows students to discover various types of geographic data and zoom in and out to explore the natural and built environments of countries, states, cities, suburbs and streets. Experience on how to build Android apps. The curriculum presented here is intended to supplement the online Android Basics courses that were developed by Google and Udacity (as part of the Android Basics Nanodegree ). The suggested format of the study group is to have students take the free online courses on their own. These are some of the latest Android bases project ideas for students. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar. Today, you can make an Android project on any topic as there are many real-life problems and can also convert an existing project into your Android project.

As such, we’ve compiled this collection of tutorials for Android development. This article covers Android development tutorials for beginners, YouTube Android development tutorials, rich Android development resources, and Android app development software.

Android app development for beginners

1. Https://

'Creating your first Android project' is a tutorial for beginners provided by Google. If you absolutely don't have any programming knowledge, going through the tutorial may take some effort and time. However, if you have some programming background, you will find it easy to follow this tutorial. Make sure you go through the entire tutorial as it offers some best practices at the end.

2. Https://

There aren’t any prerequisites for this beginner’s Android development tutorial other than a willing mind and a Mac. Yes, a Mac. of course, you can develop Android apps on the PC, but this tutorial is based on Mac developers.

Here are what you will learn from this tutorial:

  • How to download and install Android studio
  • How to test your app on different devices and emulators
  • Create a simple 'hello world' Android app that prints to your device and emulator
  • How to import sample projects into Android studio

3. Https://

Android development is based on the Java language. If you have a basic understanding of Java programming, it will be relatively easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you basic Android programming and then take you through some of the advanced concepts related to Android app development.

After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in Android programming. What's more, this website covers almost all of the Android development knowledge you need, including Android user interface, Android advanced concept, Android useful example, and rich Android resources.

4. Https://

The Android library is structurally the same as an Android app module. It can include everything needed to build an app, including source code, resource files, and Android manifests. In this tutorial, you'll learn everything about building an Android library, from creation to publishing for others to consume. You will learn:

  • How to create an Android library
  • How to publish your Android library
  • How to use your Android library
  • Best practices for the Android library

YouTube Android development tutorial


This is a series of Android development video tutorials. It covers a lot of ground - from the basic introduction and installation of the Java JDK to installing Android studio and developing an app. You can learn everything you want to know about Android development from these 56 videos.


There are 75 videos in this tutorial. From basic development knowledge to Android app creation, all the Android knowledge you need is covered in these 75 videos. After completing this series of tutorials, you will be able to create your own Android app and publish it in the Play Store. These tutorials were created in 2018, so they are fresh and up-to-date.


This tutorial is provided by the online learning website Treehouse. By the way, if you haven’t tapped into it yet, this website has a lot of learning resources which will enrich your development skills.

These days, Android development is done with a tool called Android Studio. It is user-friendly and is excellent in organizing projects. In this video, you will learn how to install Android Studio and create an app. The great thing about this tutorial is that you don’t need to have any programming knowledge to follow it.

Rich Android development resources

8. Https://

This course assumes no prior programming knowledge, just a desire to learn to program. You will learn:

  • What Java is and how it works
  • What to study after completing basic Java
  • How to get a job with the skills you have acquired
  • And more


A series of YouTube video tutorials on Java programming, covering 47 videos.


This tutorial will teach you the core knowledge of Java in 30 minutes.

11. Https://

This is for those who already have some knowledge of app development. In this tutorial, you will learn how to choose the right architecture for complex Android apps for better development, testing, debugging, and maintenance.

12. Https://

If you are still unfamiliar with XML, now is the best time to learn it because you need it to design the Android layout. This is relatively simple, so you don’t need a lot of time on this, but it is imperative that you do learn XML.

Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas Examples

13. Https://

If you need call API in an Android app, you must understand HTTP and REST. This tutorial will show you the ropes.

14. Https://

In order to complete successful projects efficiently, you need to understand the design process and communicate well with designers. This resource will give you insights into Android app design.

15. Https://

This article is a comprehensive resource for material design UI kits.

16. Https://

If you want to get the latest news from Android, it's better to get it directly from Google. Keep tabs on the sector via this page.

17. Https://

This blog will give you all the latest news about Android. You can also get some of the latest development app tips and extensive training resources.

18. Http://

This blog provides Android users with products, tips, and latest news about Android. While it isn’t an official Google resource, the blog is an authority in the niche and will teach you a lot about the Android OS and devices.

19. Https://

This article teaches you how to use material design to make your Android app more attractive. For more inspiration, you can find some of the best Android app design examples here.


As we all know Java is a basic programming language for Android devs. is a free online Java programming course for those who want to learn Java from scratch. What will you get:

  • CodeGym's course consists of 80% practice (1200 practical tasks in your pocket)
  • virtual mentor and auto-checked solutions
  • newest learning techniques - gamification, storytelling, visualization, etc.
  • 500+ hours of Java programming experience

You will be fully prepared for your future work as an Android developer

Android app development software

Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas

21. Android Studio

Android Studio is the officially integrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating system. Developers can see how their apps look in different screen sizes while writing programs. Android Studio also offers more features to increase work productivity when building Android apps, such as C++ and NDK support.

22. Mockplus

Mockplus is an Android app prototyping tool. Rapid prototyping is the best tool for designers to communicate with clients. In the early stage of software development, there should be a general overall design of the software before developing, and this prototyping tool will help you make that concept tangible.

The importance of prototyping cannot be emphasized enough. It reduces development costs and avoids rewriting a lot of code in case it does not meet the requirements. Without a good design, it is difficult to make a good software. Rapid prototyping improves interaction between developers and designers.

23. Android Device Monitor

Android Device Monitor is a standalone tool that provides a UI for several Android app debugging and analysis tools.

24. APKAnalyser

This is a static, virtual analysis tool that gives you a comprehensive overview of your app's architecture. You can use it to check the API reference documentation and decompile the bytecode. APKAnalyser is a completely open source toolchain that supports modifying the app's binary code so you can repackage, install, run, and verify the results of Logcat.


It's not easy to master a language in a short time if you don't have any development experience at the beginning. However, with a bit of patience, you can become adept at programming. If you already have some development experience, you can get started on Android development quickly. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring the basics, though. Remember that only by having a solid foundation can you truly become a master.

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FREE K-12 standards-aligned STEM

curriculum for educators everywhere!

Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

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Quick Look

Grade Level: 11 (9-12)

Time Required: 1 hour

Expendable Cost/Group: US $0.00

This activity requires use of some non-expendable (reusable) items such as computers and Android smartphones or tablets; see the Materials List for details.

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency:

Subject Areas: Computer Science, Data Analysis and Probability, Physics


Students develop an app for an Android device that utilizes its built-in internal sensors, specifically the accelerometer. The goal of this activity is to teach programming design and skills using MIT's App Inventor software (free to download from the Internet) as the vehicle for learning. The activity should be exciting for students who are interested in applying what they learn to writing other applications for Android devices. Students learn the steps of the engineering design process as they identify the problem, develop solutions, select and implement a possible solution, test the solution and redesign, as needed, to accomplish the design requirements.
This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connection

As students create Android applications that performs specific functions, guided by the steps of the engineering engineering design process, they are doing just what software engineers do as they develop applications that we all encounter on a daily basis. This includes business software, communication software, compilers, computer graphics, and more. Ultimately, students must plan what the application will do, decide what it looks like, decide how to structure the software, test and edit to ensure the app works correctly. Thus, students act as software engineers in this hands-on application of the engineering design process.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Design a mobile app for an Android device.
  • Create a mobile app for an Android device using MIT's App Inventor.
  • Apply the software/system (engineering) design process.

Educational Standards

Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.

All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN), a project of D2L (

In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc.

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards - Science
NGSS Performance Expectation

HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering. (Grades 9 - 12)

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Click to view other curriculum aligned to this Performance Expectation
This activity focuses on the following Three Dimensional Learning aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering PracticesDisciplinary Core IdeasCrosscutting Concepts
Design a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge, student-generated sources of evidence, prioritized criteria, and tradeoff considerations.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions about the priority of certain criteria over others (trade-offs) may be needed.

Alignment agreement: Thanks for your feedback!

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology
  • The design process includes defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and generating ideas, identifying criteria and specifying constraints, exploring possibilities, selecting an approach, developing a design proposal, making a model or prototype, testing and evaluating the design using specifications, refining the design, creating or making it, and communicating processes and results. (Grades 9 - 12) More Details

    Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

  • Established design principles are used to evaluate existing designs, to collect data, and to guide the design process. (Grades 9 - 12) More Details

    Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

State Standards
National Science Education Standards - Science
  • Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications. A variety of technologies, such as hand tools, measuring instruments, and calculators, should be an integral component of scientific investigations. The use of computers for the collection, analysis, and display of data is also a part of this standard. Mathematics plays an essential role in all aspects of an inquiry. For example, measurement is used for posing questions, formulas are used for developing explanations, and charts and graphs are used for communicating results. (Grades 9 - 12) More Details

    Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

Nebraska - Science
  • Recognize creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base are all needed to advance the work of science and engineering (Grades 9 - 12) More Details

    Do you agree with this alignment? Thanks for your feedback!

Suggest an alignment not listed above

Materials List

Each group needs:

  • computer
  • MIT's App Inventor (a web-based, free software available at; this site provides information on how to set-up for and install App Inventor)
  • sheet of large paper or dry-erase white board
  • markers (dry erase markers if a dry-erase white board is used)
  • Android device, such as a smartphone or tablet (The website lists all devices known to work with App Inventor in the right column under the title 'Phones & Tablets Database'.) **Note: Each group needs this item. This activity has been performed with students using their own Android mobile devices, which may not be available for every classroom. Adjust group sizes depending upon how many devices are available for use, or if the class is small enough, working together as one group sharing a teacher-provided Android mobile device. These options may limit the learning experience of each student, though.**

Worksheets and Attachments

Visit [] to print or download.

Pre-Req Knowledge

Students should have a basic understanding of computer programming design and control structure. Students should also have a basic knowledge of how MIT's App Inventor works. If this activity is conducted with students who have not previously worked with App Inventor, allow additional time for students to work through the MIT tutorials ( to gain an understanding of how App Inventor works.


In this activity, you will develop an app for an Android device. However, the activity is about more than the single app you develop. It is about the skills that you gain while you interact with the software that helps you develop your app. At the end of the activity, you should have the skills in place to write other apps for an Android device that use the internal sensors to collect data and store that data. If you desire, you can use the skills that you learn to write other apps for Android devices that can be published for public access and use.



Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

Students develop an app for an Android device that stores data collected during an experiment that can be used for analysis later. The Storing Android Accelerometer Data: App Design lesson has students complete online tutorials based on using MIT's App Inventor. At the end of this lesson, students should be prepared to write applications that can access an Android device's internal sensors.

Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas For Beginners

The procedure is an outline and does not provide specific details on exactly what steps students must take to create their Android apps. This is because the purpose of this activity is for students to work through the process themselves. They might not figure out a code that works correctly the first time. This is an expected part of the learning process that forces students to evaluate their mistakes and redesign their codes. If too much information is provided, students never experience this critical part of the design process.

Before the Activity

  • Install and set up the App Inventor software. Instructions for how to do this are provided in a tutorial on the MIT website:
  • The teacher and students should have a basic working knowledge of programming and how App Inventor works. Refer to MIT's tutorials for App Inventor at:

With the Students

Part I:

Students plan a mobile android app that can access the accelerometer on an Android device. This planning consists of the first two steps in the software/system design process, namely the requirement analysis and design steps. When working through these steps, facilitate a lot of discussion about how the application should function. No actual code is written at this point; rather, students write pseudo-code.

Pseudo-code is a rough draft of written computer code. It is syntax independent; meaning the language being used is irrelevant, so the pseudo-code simply puts the blueprint or plan for all or part of a program into words that can next be translated into a specific programming language using that language's particular syntax. Refer to the attached Pseudo-code Example.

Writing pseudo-code is a computer programming method in which the designer determines what an application must do without writing any code in the programming language's syntax. It might take the form of a flow chart or block diagram. In each stage of the pseudo-code, students need to think about the ordering, control structures and algorithms that are necessary to accomplish that stage. Have students work in groups of 2-3 to each discuss and figure out a design that allows them to create code that directs an android device to store and recall data. During the discussion, encourage them to use markers and large sheets of paper or dry-erase boards. Once group comes consensus on how to build the code is achieved, have students draw detailed diagrams of the necessary App Inventor blocks to share with the class. The diagram should include labels, colors and the correct connection types.

Part II:

Students use MIT's App Inventor to create an application that stores the accelerometer data from an Android device. This part of the activity is the implementation, testing and evolution phases of the software/system design process. Students create the software code using App Inventor (implementation), test to see if the code functions, and look for possible improvements (evolution). The program they create also allows students to retrieve the data and manually transfer it for analysis using Microsoft Excel, Geogebra, or a similar programs.

Follow this general process to create a program within App Inventor. Encourage students to add or modify these basics in order to make the program user-friendly. These steps are provided only as a guideline to help facilitate the implementation phase.

  1. Create a new application titled 'AccelerometerData.'
  2. The program needs a clock (the clock should not be enabled; wait until the start button is clicked to enable the clock), labels for displaying the data, start, stop and submit buttons, a TinyDB, and an AccelerometerSensor. Drag these in from the Palette.
  3. Open the Blocks Editor.
  4. In the Blocks Editor, the program needs the following:
  • A variable to keep track of the timer
  • A StartButton. Click that resets and enables the timer
  • A Clock1.Timer thT increments the timer by one, sets the acceleration text box to the chosen value of the accelerometer sensor (x, y or z), and stores that value in the TinyDB, using the timer value as the tag
  • A StopButton.Click that disables the timer and clears any text boxes
  • A SubmitButton.Click that sets the text of the acceleration text box to the value from the TinyDB using the number typed into the timer text box as the tag


accelerometer: A sensor that measures the acceleration of an object.

persistent data: Data that remains accessible for later use even after the application that created it closes and stops functioning.

pseudo-code: A computer programming method where students design what the application must do without writing any actual code in the programming language's syntax.

TinyDB: A database on an Android device that can be used to store persistent data.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Android Devices Blogeffective Curriculum Ideas

Review the software/system (engineering) design process with students and how it can be applied to this type of activity. Ask students to list each step in the process and write an example of what they might do during each step. Ask students to share their response with the class. (Details on the steps of the engineering design process and the software development life cycle may be found in the Background section of the associated lesson.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Circulate around the room while students are designing (writing pseudo-code) to assess their progress. Later, when the designs are implemented, be available to assess progress and assist with implementation.

For the teacher's use, refer to screenshots of example App Inventor Code for this program in the App Inventor Code for Accelerometer Activity, and the Android App developed in App Inventor is provided in Accelerometer Android App. Use these files as an answer key or teacher guide.

Android devices blogeffective curriculum ideas 4th grade

Post-Activity Assessment

Have students complete the following performance assessment: Create an application that stores your GPS locations over a given time interval.

This code looks similar to the acceleration application, but requires a 'Location Sensor' from App Inventor instead of an 'Accelerometer Sensor.' To grade this challenge, look at the design elements that students created as well as the code. The ultimate test of the program is to run the developed Android app and see if it indeed stores GPS locations over a time interval. Base part of the assessment on how students applied the software/systems design (engineering) process in the completion of the mobile app.

For the teacher's use, example screenshots of the GPS Location Storing App created in App Inventor are provided in App Inventor Code for GPS Location, and the Android App for storing GPS data is provided in GPS Location Android App.

Assign students to complete one of the following writing assessments. Answers are provided in the attached file: Android App Design Assessment Solutions.

  • Describe the purpose of the TinyDB when creating an Android app.
  • Create a button that toggles off and on in an Android app. Explain what steps you would have to include in App Inventor to create this button and draw some pseudo-code that represents the programming of the button.

Activity Extensions

Have students create other mobile apps of their choosing to solve a problem or challenge decided by the teacher or the class.


© 2013 by Regents of the University of Colorado; original © 2012 Board of Regents, University of Nebraska


Scott Burns, Brian Sandall

Supporting Program

IMPART RET Program, College of Information Science & Technology, University of Nebraska-Omaha


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed as a part of the RET in Engineering and Computer Science Site on Infusing Mobile Platform Applied Research into Teaching (IMPART) Program at the University of Nebraska-Omaha under National Science Foundation RET grant number CNS 1201136. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: January 23, 2021

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