Phase 1 Launch Date

New York City is on track to begin reopening on June 8, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday, earmarking for the first time a specific date for the city to take the initial steps in its coronavirus.

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  • Current status Phase 1, Priority Groups 1-4 Phase 1 (December 2020 - February 2021) Click here for an overview of Phase 1.

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – There’s a light at the end of the COVID tunnel.

That’s according to Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez who announced that they have set May 18th as the target date for a phase one reopening.

Under phase one, the mayor said some non-essential businesses and restaurants would be able to open with restrictions. He did not specify which businesses.

Business owners tell CBS4’s Peter D’Oench that the next phase can not happen soon enough.

Giancarlo Morera says business has dropped 50 percent at his family’s business, the Enriqueta’s Sandwich Shop in Miami since it had to offer only take-out food. The restaurant has been empty since then.

He said, “I have been looking forward to this next phase since the restrictions began. We have been missing customers, and that has hurt us a lot. We are only open at the window to take out, and we miss our customers. This has been really hard.” He said he hopes his restaurant will be included in Phase 1, which could resemble what CBS4 S saw on Monday when restaurants and businesses were allowed to open at 25 percent capacity with people at least 6 feet apart and groups of no more than 10 people.

Jon Popiel said he hopes to open up his F45 Training gym next to Enriqueta’s by mid-July and he welcomed the Mayor’s target date.

“Anyone in the industry wants this to happen sooner rather than later. We need to open up this economy and I look forward to that. I am a gym owner and I hope to be part of this first wave. Owners are hurting. People have everything invested in their business and while I realize people have reservations about coming out, we need to get the economy going again. I realize it is not going to happen overnight.”

Gimenez stressed that May 18 was a target date and some businesses still had some work to do in order to be ready.

“Tomorrow I will be meeting with our medical experts who worked with those groups. I have spoken to the governor who is in agreement that Miami-Dade should move forward in opening certain sectors of the economy,” said Gimenez.

Gimenez said at each step they will be following the recommendations of their medical experts including the Florida Department of Health, doctors from Jackson Health System, the medical schools of FIU and the University of Miami.

“We want to make sure our seniors and at-risk individuals are protected. We need to get the economy going again and do it as safely as possible,” he said.

“Most people who are testing positive show few symptoms and we are seeing a tamping down of hospitalizations,” he said. “We want to open up businesses safely and get people back to work. I think we continue to see a decline in the number of COVID-19 patients being hospitalized and the number of patients on ventilators.”

When asked if the county was ready for a phase one reopening, Gimenez said yes because the metrics were there to support it.

He stressed that no beaches will reopen under phase one.



The mayor also announced that two drive-thru COVID-19 test sites would lower their minimum age to 12-years-old and up. Those under 17 must have parental approval.

The new age limit applies to the sites at both the Tamiami Fairgrounds and South Dade Government Center.

The 18-years and older criteria still applies to the drive-thru test sites at Marlins Park and the Holy Family Catholic Church in North Miami.

“For all those sites, you do not have to be experiencing symptoms to get tested. But you do have to call to make an appointment for testing the next day. County residents can call (305) 499-8767,” said Gimenez.

The mayor said that Jackson Health Urgent Care Centers throughout the county will be providing free testing at their locations.

Phase 1 Launch Date Countdown

“As we test more people, we expect to get more positive results but that doesn’t mean that people will end up in the hospital. In fact, most of the people who tested positive had few symptoms or, many of them, none at all. We continue to see a tamping down of hospitalizations. Yesterday’s hospital report shows 582 coronavirus patients throughout Miami-Dade County. That’s the lowest number of patients in the hospital since I first issued the emergency order number 18-20 on April 4th,” said Gimenez.

The mayor said Mother’s Day is this weekend and reminded people to practice social distancing while visiting family members. Wear a face mask if you’re inside, he said, better yet if you have an outdoor space, celebrate there.

“We have a very clear picture of the problems we will face if we fail to do this. Two weeks after Easter and Passover, we saw a spike in the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations here in the county. This happened despite our warnings to stay safer at home. People are eager to see each other and they were so eager they broke the rules of social distancing. So please do not put your loved ones or our community in danger,” said Gimenez.

Broward Mayor Dale Holness is also eyeing May 18th. But he wants mayors and city managers all on the same page with the county.

“Retail, restaurants, barbershops, and beauty salons. Those things that people are in need of today,” the mayor said.

City leaders have already weighed in on a survey and it gives an idea of what may open in Broward. Most agreed Retail should reopen with restrictions. Along with restaurants. Drive-in movie theaters may be included along with gyms at apartments and condos.

The Broward County mayor will have a phone conference with city mayors Monday afternoon.

“That’s one of the reasons we have been cautious. To ensure that we are not putting our people in danger and then having a spike or resurgence and closing down again,” Holness said.


WASHINGTON — A top NASA official said Feb. 28 he expects the first flight of the Space Launch System to take place in the second half of 2021, a later date than prior agency statements.

Speaking at the kickoff meeting of the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium at the Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, NASA Associate Administrator Steve Jurczyk said that all of the elements needed for the Artemis 3 2024 human lunar landing are either under development or will soon be under contract.

That includes the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft. The SLS core stage for the Artemis 1 uncrewed test flight is currently at the Stennis Space Center for a “Green Run” static-fire test scheduled for later this year, while the Orion spacecraft for that mission is wrapping up testing at NASA’s Plum Brook Station.

The SLS core stage, he said, should arrive at the Kennedy Space Center in late summer or early fall, allowing teams to begin “integrating for a launch hopefully in the mid ’21 timeframe, mid to late ’21 timeframe for Artemis 1.”

NASA has yet to provide a new formal launch date for that mission, which has slipped by several years. In December, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said that launch would take place in 2021 after the agency had been holding on a November 2020 launch. Doug Loverro, the agency’s new associate administrator for human exploration and operations, commissioned a review of NASA’s exploration plans when he started work in December, including setting a new date for Artemis 1. The outcome of that review should be released in the coming weeks.

Jurczyk said NASA is moving ahead with other elements of its exploration plan, including development of modules and related systems for the lunar Gateway. NASA is in negotiations with Northrop Grumman for a contract for the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) module, after the agency announced last summer its intent to sole-source the module with that company. He added that the agency is “getting ready to award” a contract for Gateway logistics services, a cargo delivery service similar to the International Space Station’s commercial cargo program.

Phase 1 Launch Date In India

What’s left to award are study contracts for the Human Landing System program. NASA is expected to issue several such contracts for initial studies of commercially developed lunar landers for carrying astronauts to the lunar surface and back, and later select one or two companies to proceed in full development.

Phase 1 Launch Date Software

“We’ve very close to awarding, most likely, multiple contracts,” he said. Those awards will come “within weeks,” he added. That’s in line with a Feb. 10 procurement update from NASA, which projected making awards in late March or early April.

The next nine to 12 months, he said, “will be critical to nail down the requirements and get to a preliminary design review,” he said of that program. He noted later in his talk that NASA plans to gets those lunar lander requirements finalized with companies that win awards within 90 days. Companies can either elect to use NASA technical standards or offer an equivalent alternative. “But after 90 days, if we can’t get agreement, you’re going to use ours.”

Jurczyk said NASA is not neglecting planning for the second, “sustainable,” phase of the Artemis program for missions after Artemis 3. He said he was in a four-hour “pre-acquisition strategy meeting” the previous day to discuss what centers would lead various elements of that second phase of Artemis, and what would be developed in-house at NASA versus outside the agency.

Details about those plans, he said, should be released within a month. “If I was here a month from now, I would be doing that presentation on the current plan for Artemis phase 2.”

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